
Gaps in allergy and asthma care!

Originally inspired to address environmental factors as a determinant of health, founder Eric Klos spent more than 10,000 hours in the domain of environmental factors and allergies and asthma.

Along this path he has learned of the many gaps in allergy and asthma care that lead to an unacceptable rate of 30,000 asthma attacks every day in the US, 5,000 of which lead to ER visits, of which 1,000 result in an inpatient hospital stay of 3-5 days, and tragically, 10 lost souls each day.

Not only that, but this vulnerable population of asthma sufferers is assaulted every day by exposure threats to their health and well-being. Often co-morbidities like COPD, cardiovascular disease, and obesity create an even higher risk of negative incidences associated with their exposures.

By addressing upstream activity that supports good asthma health, we can help avoid the downstream acute care events that are potentially preventable. In this section, we’ll focus on each of these gaps in allergy and asthma care and suggest steps to bridge the gaps and to support better asthma care, reduce the asthma burden, and improved the overall quality of life for those with asthma and their caregivers.

But, before we get to that it’s important that we explain What is a Flare-Up? This educational video describes what constitutes a flare-up, but it’s important that users of DailyBreath recognize the purpose of the symptom tracking when it comes to asthma, and, especially allergic asthma. Tracking conditions when one needs to use their relief/rescue inhaler does not reflect the early onset symptoms that you may have been experiencing before your respiratory difficulty became so acute as to require your relief inhaler. It’s important that asthma sufferers learn to detect onset symptoms and record them, to reflect the when, where, and what of their exposures. This is even more important when we recognize that exposures to allergens, irritants, and weather conditions are cumulative in impact.