An Action Plan for School-Based Asthma: DailyBreath Manages Students Triggers

Students of all ages with asthma should consider having an asthma action plan to help them prevent symptoms from occurring while at school and be able to respond in case of having an asthma attack with the support of school personnel. Students with asthma and allergies have been insulated from allergen and irritant (pollution) impacts over the past two years because they have been wearing masks during the COVID pandemic. 

Focus on Asthma Management While Students are at School

Unfortunately, the early months of the new school year are fraught with asthma trigger risk because of ragweed allergies and recently highlighted indoor air quality issues. 

As you may know, The School Based Allergies and Asthma Management Program Act became law in early January of 2021.  The purpose of the law is to enhance the safety of students with allergies and asthma in the school setting.  This legislation was based on the School-based Asthma, Allergy, & Anaphylaxis Management Program or SAMPRO™. 

SAMPRO has four components. They are;

1) The creation of a Circle of Support amongst the families, clinicians and schools nurses centered around the child with asthma.

2) The creation and transmission of Asthma Management Plans to schools. This includes an Asthma Emergency Treatment Plan for emergency management of asthma symptoms and an individualized Asthma Action Plan for each child with asthma.

3) A comprehensive Asthma Education Plan for school personnel, and,

4) A comprehensive Environmental Asthma Plan to assess and remediate asthma triggers at home and in school.

DailyBreath helps school nurses, administrators, teachers, students, parents, and clinicians provide integrated care coordination sought by the law for improving health and school-related outcomes for children with asthma.  Our app facilitates improving health and school-related outcomes for children with asthma. DailyBreath already meets 3 of the 4 Components of SAMPRO™. Although we don’t currently meet the requirement for the 2nd component, our product development roads includes the capability to enable integration of an Asthma Action Plan and an Asthma Emergency Treatment Plan.

As detailed below, the features in DailyBreath bring benefits to those students with allergy and asthma and their caregivers:

FEATURE#1: DailyBreath Forecast – Over time your at-risk students will be able to ascertain their own DailyBreath Risk Index based on their own symptom tracking.

BENEFIT#1: Know about potential symptom risk based on real world evidence gathered from experienced symptoms in relation to the confluence of weather, allergens, and irritants (pollution) at a specific location.

FEATURE#2: Air Quality Flag Designation for Schools by Zip Code.

BENEFIT#2: Daily monitoring of outdoor air quality conditions for your school! Supports SAMPRO™ Component 4, Environmental Asthma Plan.

FEATURE#3: Push Notifications to Check Your DailyBreath Forecast at key times of the day: before school or work, at lunchtime, after school, and in the evening.

BENEFIT#3: Keep checking on student risk and the outdoor air quality at various times of the day. Also supports SAMPRO™ Component 4, Environmental Asthma Plan.

FEATURE#4: A Community View of Recorded Flare-Ups.

BENEFIT#4: Understand whether your students are having symptoms around your school and under what conditions.

FEATURE#5: DailyBreath Friends Feature – Create your own personal caregiver network, a communication network centered on the student, consisting of school nurses, teachers, clinicians, families, friends, and more.

BENEFIT#5: Supports SAMPRO™ Component 1, Establishing a Circle of Support.

FEATURE#6: Short Educational Videos on Asthma Self-Care, Symptoms, Triggers, and Asthma Management (Educational Video Partner: The Wellness Network).

BENEFIT#6: Supports SAMPRO™ Component 3, Education for School Personnel, Caregivers, and Students.

DailyBreath delivers personalized environmental insights for better asthma outcomes.